Wiliam Skotte Olsen – A True Scotsman

Opening Saturday, January 20, 12 – 17 pm

Wiliam Skotte Olsen is no longer here, but his works are very much alive.
More and more people are becoming aware of his art…
The striking figures and faces float between tower houses and birds, and the expressive, almost naive style speaks directly to us. Skotte is interesting because he possesses the magic of the present moment in his brushes, and he is an excellent communicator of human psychological states of mind. His coloristic abilities are impressive because the different elements are juxtaposed against each other and the colors almost light up our eyes.
Come and see this collection of works predominantly from the 80s.

You are welcome to join us
Annegrethe Davis

Click here if you want to see more of Skotte’s works

Wednesday, February 7 at 17:00 is the screening of the movie
A True Wiliam
by Jesper Jack
Sign up at info@davisgallery.dk

Last day February 24th

Davis Gallery, Contemporary Art
Bredgade 69, DK-1260 Copenhagen K – +45 26216773
info@davisgallery.dk – davisgallery.dk
Tuesday – Saturday 12 – 5 pm

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