
Visual Artist

Artist Statement – Tolli

Put on your hiking boots and get out into nature. Climb a mountain, stand on top, reflect and feel life. The mountain should penetrate your body and mind through every step towards the top.

Tolli paints magnificent light-filled colorful and dramatic landscapes with mountains as well as foregrounds of lakes and lava deposits. He gives us the essence of Icelandic nature in both a material and spiritual sense.

One feels the sensitivity of the spontaneous expressive strokes of paint that cover the canvas, and the light that almost transcends into a sacral explosion.

Tolli certainly brings us a valuable message of coexistence and love for humanity and nature.

Annegrethe Davis


Tolli Morthens  (Þorlákur Kristinsson) *1953 Reykjavik
Lives and works in Reykjavik, Iceland


1976 – 1983: The Icelandic College of Arts and Crafts, Reykjavik.
1983 – 1985: Hochschule der Künste, Berlin.
2004 – 2008: ophold og atelier i København.


2023: Nature, Love and Peace, Davis Gallery, Copenhagen
2019: Storytellinh Horizon, Bredgade Kunsthandel, Copenhagen
2017: The Icelandic Connection, Bredgade Kunsthandel, Copenhagen
2001: Småralind Shopping Mall, solo
1982: Nordic House, Reykjavik, groupshow debut