Thor Lindeneg

Visual Artist

Artist Statement – Thor Lindeneg

Thor Lindeneg’s works are easily recognizable for their motif circles, where especially the Egg, the Bird, the Water Drop, the Ladder, Nature, the Violin and the Picture are told and interpreted.- He is an artist who sees the absurd in everyday life, and the everyday in the absurd, said Ole Lindboe about him.

Thor Lindeneg is also easily recognizable for his stringent, blue-green color choice, which is resonantly clean together with the eggshells, an ancient symbol of life, beginnings and fragility.There is perhaps a sense of melancholy in this. The birthday boy likes to include a dash of humor in the motif and not least in the subtle titles, such as the image Offspring of the Chair connected to the Stool, and Silence of the wonderfully muted Violin. And he shows satirical sharpness in the motif Match, where we find the match and the elephant together on the parched ground.

The motifs are staged with layers of space and depth perspective, evoking elements such as The Faucet or The Cloth in a three-dimensional effect that reaches out to the viewer


Repræsenteret på

  • Trapholt Kunstmuseum
  • Horsens Kunstmuseum
  • Fuglsang Kunstmuseum
  • Skive Kunstmuseum
  • Vensyssel Kunstmuseum
  • Kastrupgaardsamlingen

Solgt til Ny_Carlsbergfondet

valgt som årets kunstner 2009 hos Rockwool A/S

Udvalgte Udstillinger

1971,72,73,74 – Kunstnernes Efterårsudstilling København
1972 – Charlottenborgs Forårsudstilling
1973,74,75 – Niks malergaard
1975 – Gyrr, Den Frie, København
1975,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83 – Galerie Passepartout, København
1977- Arte Fiera, Bologna, Italien
1979 – Realismus des Abenteuers, Berlin
1979 – 4 Danske, Halvorsen Art Gal. Oslo
1981 – Pro, Charlottenborg, København
1985 – Hommage Jeroen Bosch, Gal. Husstege, Holland
1985 – Art Expo, New York
1985 – Le Parvis Saint Merri, Paris
1986 – Des Visionaires aux Symbolistes, Paris
1988 – Gal. Bulowska, Sverige
1989 – The Edge of Fire, Birmingham, US
1990 – About Age, Gal. Husstege, Holland
1990 – Gal.7, Mons, Belgien
1992,93,94,95,,96,97,98 – Gal. L’Oeil, Bruxelles
1994 – Je vais Construire, Bruxelles
1994 – 04 Gal. Gerly, København
2000 – Aspekter af Nurealismen, Skive Kunstmuseum
2005 – InterArt Galllery, New York
2005 – Fantastisk Figuration, Skive Kunstmuseum
2006 – De Sidste Surrealister, Gal. Clifford
2013 – Efter Surrealismen, Kunstbygningen i Vrå
2013 – Efter Surrealismen Skive kunstmuseum
2013 – fter Surrealismen,Vestjysk KF Tistrup
2014 – Efter Surrealismen Rønnebæksholm , Næstved
2018 – Bredgade Kunsthandel, København
2020,2021 – Den Vågne Drøm,.Sophienholm