Pipaluk Lake

Glass Sculptor

Artist Statement – Pipaluk Lake

My work takes its outset in experiments with window glass or industrial household glass, which is placed in a kiln along with metal sheets and wire. During the heating of the kiln to a temperature of around 800 degrees, gravity is a contributory factor in the formative process through which flat sheets become forms. The high temperature also causes the vital mingling with the glass of oxides from copper, brass and iron, all of which lend character to the glass and colour it.

To produce specific hues I can add different metal pigments, acids, salts or organic compounds to the mix. The marks or imprints left in the glass by the metals create a random pattern which also tells something of how it was made.

My ideas, the mingling of the materials and their capacity for transforming one another in the hot kiln: this is where my real area of interest lies – at the crossover point between art, craft and science.

By deliberately minimizing the means at my disposal I can maximize on the natural expressive potential of the materials. This provides a framework within which the inherent qualities of the various elements can be exposed.
Innovation is the driving force in this project of mine, the results of which have so far manifested themselves in the form of objects, sculpture, platters, bowls, wall decorations and window modules.

Generally speaking, my dogma has more to do with the way I handle the glass than with what might be made of it. During the creative process I tend to ask myself: ’What if …” And I see before me a whole host of unexplored possibilities.

Pipaluk Lake, 2004



Pipaluk Lake
born 1962, Danmark

Solo Exhibitions

RINGS, Bredgade Kunsthandel, Copenhagen

2014 Planned Accidents, Galerie Maria Lund, Paris
2012 Retrospective 1987-2012, Sophienholm, Lyngby, Denmark

CONFIGURATIONS, Galerie Maria Lund, Paris
2011 DROPS, Glasmuseet Ebeltoft, Denmark
2008 Galerie Maria Lund, Paris
2007 Source, Drud & Køppe Gallery, Copenhagen
2006 Bundles and Fans, Chappell Gallery, New York, USA
2004 GLASIALT, Lake/ Palm, Jyllands-Postens Galleri, Copenhagen
2002 OCEAN, Museumsbygningen Kunstauktioner, Copenhagen
2001 Lige Det Skæve, Galleri Grønlund, Copenhagen
1997 Galleri Grønlund, Copenhagen
1993 Galleri C’est Ca, Copenhagen
1992 Galleri Nedergade, Odense
1991 C.E. Fritzsches Glashandel, Copenhagen

Group Exhibitions Selected

KIAF/Art Seoul 2016, 2015, 2012, Galerie Maria Lund, Seoul, Korea
Great Danes, Glazenhuis, Lommel, Belgium

2015 DG15 Modern Danish Glass 40 Years, Glasmuseet, Ebeltoft, Denmark Waterproof, Hamar Kulturhus, Norway
2014 SUBSTANCE 2014, 2013, 2011 Bredgade Kunsthandel, Copenhagen Glas, The Nordic House, Faroe Islands Mindcraft14, Ventura Lambrate, Milan Nordic Contemporary Glass Art, Pera Museum, Istanbul

Danish Design at the House, Sydney Opera House, Australia
GLASSS 2013, 2004 Holstebro Kunstmuseum, Sophienholm, Lyngby, DK

Pertubations, Musée Fabre, Montpellier, France

SUBSTANCE 2011, Bredgade Kunsthandel, Copenhagen
Dänisches Glas, Glasmuseum Alter Hof Herding, Germany
Sjælens Spejl ,Holstebro Kunstmuseum, Denmark

2009 CONNECTIONS European Glass Sculpture, Gallerie Mánes, Prague
Moderne Glaskunst, Anneberg Samlingerne, Nykøbing Sjælland The censored Biennale Exhibition,Trapholt, Kolding
2008 European Glass context 2008, Bornholm

2007-08 Transparency, Contemporary Glass Works from Denmark, Beijing, Seoul, Guangzhou, Chengdu (The Danish Cultural Institute)
2007 Collect, Victoria & Albert Museum, London
GLASSS 2007, Holstebro Museum of Art, Holstebro, Denmark
Biennial for Crafts & Design, Trapholt, Denmark
2006 How to Love Juicy Jam & Jags, Drud & Køppe Gallery, Copenhagen
Fluidities, Chappell Gallery, New York
2005 Jubilæumsudstilling KF 14.August, The Danish Museum of Art & Design, Copenhagen SOFA New York 2005/Chappell Gallery

2004 SOFA Chicago

2004/Chappell Gallery STUFF, Super Danish, Habourfront Centre, Toronto, Canada GLASSS, Holstebro Museum of Art & Sophienholm, Lyngby The Power of Glass, Troyes, France
2003 PRO, Charlottenborg, Copenhagen
2002 Refleksioner, Glass på Ribe Kunstmuseum, Ribe
2001 Religious Glass Art, The Glasmuseum, Ebeltoft Dansk Form, Design in Dialogue (travelling exhibition) Hamburg, Ljubljana (Slovenia) & Copenhagen Cheongju International Crafts Biennale 2001, Korea

2000 Nordic Glass

2000, Copenhagen, travelling exhibition to Nordic and Baltic countries
1999, Aktuel Dansk Glaskunst, Museumsbygningen Kunstauktioner, Copenhagen
1998, Hordaland Kunstsenter, Bergen, Norway
Toner i Dansk Glas, Musikhuset, Aarhus Skandinavisk Transparens, Frederiks Bastion, Copenhagen Statens Kunstfond

1996-98, Charlottenborg, Copenhagen 7 Danish Glass Artists, Jyllands-Postens Galleri, Copenhagen New Danish Glass, Sunderland, England

1997 Nordiske Glaskunstnere, Gl. Holtegaard, Holte
1996 UNIKA – 66, The Danish Museum of Art & Design, Copenhagen
Danish Art, Craft & Design, St. Petersburg, Russia
The First 10 Years, The Glasmuseum, Ebeltoft
1995 Dansk Design- Process and Product, Centre for Architecture, Gammel Dok Pakhus, Copenhagen
Dansk Design Aktuelt, Sophienholm, Lyngby
1994-95 Nordic Images (travelling exhibition) Nordic Museums of Applied Art in Stockholm, Copenhagen, Gothenburg, Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim & Helsinki
1990 Glas aus Dänemark, Galerie Domin, Kaarst, Germany
Galerie Ewers an Gross St. Martin, Cologne
Jugend Gestaltet Int. Hantwerksmesse, Munich

2007 Facade and facade glass cross in cooperation with painter Jesper Palm, Geels Church Hall, Lundtofte Parish and Church, Virum, Denmark
2004 Glass Panels in cooperation with painter Jesper Palm, CEU Educational Centre, Herning
1997-98 Glass Cross and ornaments for altar wall and pulpit
Geels Church Hall, Lundtofte Parish and Church, Virum, Denmark

Ny Carlsbergfondet
Boston Museum of Fine Arts
Statens Kunstfond

Corning Museum of Glass, New York State, USA 2008

2007 Vicoria & Albert Museum, London
2007 Holstebro Museum of Art, Holstebro, Denmark
2007 The Danish Museum of Art & Design, Copenhagen (+2005,1999)
2007 The Danish Arts Foundation (+ 2004, 2002, 2000, 1997, 1991)
2005 Glasmuseum, Ebeltoft, Denmark (+1997)

2011 DROPS exhibition awarded, The Danish Arts Foundation (Statens Kunstfond)
2008 Special Award, Anna Klint Sørensens Fond
2005 Crafts Prize of 1879, (silvermedal)
2004 Special Award, Inga og Ejvind Kold Christensens Foundation
2003 Special Award, Ole Haslunds Foundation
2001 Crafts Prize of 1879, (bronzemedal)
Honourable Mentions, 2nd Cheongju Int. Crafts Competition, Korea
1999 Glass Prize of Hempel
1996 Design Prize of The Design Foundation

Grants selected
2006 The Danish Arts Foundation (+2005, 2003, 2002, 1993, 1991)
The Danish National Bank’s Anniversary Foundation of 1968
(+2002, 1996, 1992)
2002 Augustinus Foundation
Overretssagfører L. Zeuthens Mindelegat
1998 The Danish Arts Foundation three-year bursary
1996 The Danish Arts Foundation, travelling grant, Japan
1993 Maleren M. Hammans Legat
1988 Royal Copenhagen
Knud Højgaards Foundation

2004 Held masterclass/workshop and lectured during seminar – Superdanish, Ingenuity and Critique, Toronto

2004 Recidency at the Danish Ministry of Culture, Gammel Dok Pakhus, København (+2002)
1998 Member of selection commitee, Biennial for Crafts & Design
1994-96 Member og founding group for Biennial for Crafts & Design
1993-94 Member of selection commitee, Forårsudstillingen ved Charlottenborg

1982-83 Polytechnic, Valle, Setesdalen, Norway (woodworking)
1984-88 The School of Arts and Crafts in Kolding, Denmark
(degree in textiles and glass)
1988 Pilchuck School of Glass, Stanwood, USA
1989 National College of Art Craft and Design, Stockholm, Sweden
1992 Copenhagen Polytechnic Metal Department
1996 Studytrip, Japan

Catalogues Selected
2007 GLASSS 2007, exhibition catalogue by Holstebro Museum of Art & The Danish Museum of Art & Design, Copenhagen
2005 SOFA New York 2005 catalogue (Persspective on Danish Studio Glass – The Nineties Generation by Jørgen Schou-Christensen)
2004 GLASSS, exhibition catalogue by Holstebro Museum of Art & Sophienholm
2002 Pipaluk Lake OCEAN, catalogue, own publication 2002
MODERNE GLAS, stock catalogue, (Det Danske Kunstindustrimuseum 2002), The Danish Museum of Art & Design, Copenhagen

Articles Selected:
International Crafts, hardback, Thames & Hudson, London 1991
Dansk Kunsthåndværk, periodical, Danske Kunsthåndværkere 1/90, 2/92, 1/95
& 4/02
This Side Up 100% Glass, nternational periodical, Netherlands/England 6/1999