Visual Artist
Artist Statement – Henrik Martensen
I have been fascinated by nature all my life. I experience nature as a place filled with magic and spirituality and that’s where I get most of my inspiration for my paintings.
When I make my paintings, it is in a way also a longing to be in the place that I paint.
An escape from civilization, the daily chores and everything you are forced to do as a human being in a modern materialistic world. I search for a return to the roots in my paintings. Maybe that’s why my greatest heroes are painters from a bygone era…
There are very few people in my paintings, and those who are there are usually alone in a depopulated world.
I don’t know if it’s intentional, but I think I might also be reflecting some of my own existential struggles in my paintings.
The feeling of being basically alone and the struggle to try to understand why we are here and what the meaning of life is.
When I paint, I work from dreams I’ve had, my imagination and photos. A theme in some of my work right now is my concern about how we humans are treating our earth, such as the increasing pollution, worrying climate change and the negative consequences of it.
In some of my images, I imagine the world in a near future after the fall of civilization, where nature has taken over and humans are a dying race fighting for survival ….
Henrik Martensen, born 1956 in Odense, Denmark. Autodidakt.
Solo exhibitions :
2023: Pakhuset Viborg
2021: Galleri Luterbeker, Germany
2019: Taastrup Idrætscenter
2019: Pharmacon Hillerød
2019: Cowi, Odense
2019: Egtmonth, København
2019: Undervisningsministeriet København
2017: Fåborg Museum
2015: Galleri 5000, Odense
2013 National Banken, København
2012 Århus Universitets Hospital
2012 Cowi, København
2011 Arla Foods Århus
2007 Albertslund Rådhus
2008 Galleri V58, Århus
2001, 2003, 2009: Galleri Brandebjerg, Nordsjælland
2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008: Galleri Pi, København
2002: Galleri den gyldne Løve, Flensborg
2000, 2001, 2002: Galleri Solvognen, Odense
2002: Galleri C, Århus
1996, 1997, 2006: Galleri Luterbeker, Germany
1997: Galleri Provence, Ålborg
1993: Viborg Stiftmuseum
1999: Galleri Sonne, Århus
1993, 1998, 2001, 2004, 2006: Horsens Kunstgalleri
1993: Galleri Høeghsberg , Århus
1987: Brillegalleriet, Århus
1988: Galleri Nøglebæk, Odense
1989: Galleri Løwe, Fredericia
1989, 2001: Galleri ved Kirken, Århus
1990, 1992, 1994: Galleri Gerly, København
Group Exhibitions :
2022: Tranum Strandgaard.
2020: La Galleria Pall Mall Galery, London,.
2020: Ribe Kunstmuseum.
2019: Limfjordens Påskeudstilling.
2019: Magisk realisme Hinnerup kulturhus.
2017, 2019: Galleri Molevit, Skagen
2017: Brandts Odense
2017, 2019: Mana Contemporary, New York
2018: Affordable Artfair Stockholm, Sweden
2018: Artfair Horsens
2016: Panorama, Johannes Larsen Museet, Kerteminde
2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022: Galleri V58, Århus
2017: Brøndsalen, København.
2015, 2016, 2017: Odense Kunstmuseum.
2016: Art Fair, Copenhagen
2007: Figuration, Rønnebækholm
2008: Pro KK, Århus
2005: Figuration, Mjelby Kunstmuseum, Sweden
2005: Nyt Dansk Landskabsmaleri, Ashley Hall Museum, England
2005: Nyt Dansk Landskabsmaleri, Danish Cultural Institute, Edinburg, Scotland
2006: Havet og Havne, Dronninglund Kunstcenter
2005: Figuration, Janusbygningen
2004, 2009: Fanø Kunstmuseum
2000: Galleri no 23 Skive
2002: Skive Kunstmuseum
2001, 2008: Kunstmessen, Hillerød
2000, Kunstmessen, Århus
2002: Kunstmessen, Odense
2003: Art Copenhagen
2001, 2005: Kunstmessen, Herning
2003: Nyt Dansk Landskabsmaleri, Sophienholm Kbh
2003: Nyt Dansk Landskabsmaleri, Kunstbygningen, Århus
2000: Vesthimmerlands Påskeudstilling
2000: European Award of the city of Belgium
1998: Kunstmessen, Viborg
1998: Kulturhistorisk Museum, Randers
1986, 1988: Kunstbygningen, Odense
1988: Kunstnernes Hus, Århus
1989: Nordisk Kunst, Århus
1995: Ikon 2000, Århus
1988: Forårsudstillingen, Odense
1991: Kunstbygningen, Svendborg
1988: Grunhorse, Odense
1976, 1993, 1998: Kunstnernes Påskeudstilling, Århus
1995: Galleri 12 DR. Århus
1985: Kunsternes Sommerudstilling, Tistrup
Publikations :
Weilbachs Kunstnerleksikon.
Dansk Kunst.
Jesper Theilgaard : Vær at vide om vejr.
Leo Tandrup : Moderne Danske Kunstværker.
Rune T. Kidde : Rejsen til Alviva.
Nyt Dansk Landskabsmaleri.
Stilhed før storm.
Collections :
Skejby Hospital , Århus.
Børnenes Jord , Århus.
Århus Rådhus.
Hospice Djursland , Rønde.
Det Kongelige Danske Skydeselskab. København
Mana Contemporary New York.
Ribe Kunstmuseum.
Hospice Vangen. Nørresundby.
Studio Trips :
Greece, Spain , Portugal , Germany , Holland , Italy , England , Sweeden ,
Venezuela , Cuba , Makedonien .USA.