Visual Artist
Artist Statement – Anne Koldsø
Anne Koldsø was trained as a classical realist painter at The Florence Academy of Art in Italy and specializes in portraiture and still life paintings.
Anne works painterly with her works, where clear, precise brushstrokes in varying colors, temperatures and intensity are the image-creating language.
Anne’s role models in art include some of our former Nordic masters such as P.S. Krøyer, Helene Schjerfbeck and Anna Ancher. Like her role models, she also went south to study in the French academy tradition, where she was trained to work from reality (as opposed to photography) and reproduce what she sees right in front of her in her paintings. When Anne Koldsø paints, the sitter is optimally seated as a model for her portrait painting – but Anne also sometimes works partially from photo references to accommodate the sitter’s time.
In Anne Koldsø’s portrait paintings, she values life, personality and atmosphere just as much as her accurate portrayal in her portraits. Anne works with the same aspects in her still life paintings, where a painting of two lemons, for example, becomes two portraits of the two lemons Anne has lying there in front of her in the studio. In her larger still life paintings, Anne explores the dynamics of object placement to create interesting spaces and narratives on the canvas.
Anne’s still life paintings are always painted with the physical placement of the objects right next to the canvas. In real-life works, there is an infinite amount of information and artistic choices to be made in interpreting what is seen, which is an inexhaustible source of inspiration for Anne. And with the placement of objects for a still life painting right next to the painting in progress, Anne chooses to reproduce them in the same size on the canvas as they are in real life. This results in a very authentically realistic painting where you can almost feel the physical presence of the objects, even on the two-dimensional surface. Explore Anne Koldsø’s still life paintings here in the gallery.
Anne Koldsø * 1972 in Århus
Member of BKF, Kunstnerforeningen af 18. nov. and founding member of Kunstnerforeningen for Figurativ og Kontemporær Realisme.
2011-2014: Kunstmaler fra The Florence Academy of Art, Firenze
1996-2001: Industriel designer fra Danmarks Designskole, København
Awarded Prizes
2021: Tredjepladsen i Landbrugets Kulturfond’s Konkurrence ”Nutidslandskab”
2015: Publikumprisen på KS15 – Kunstnernes Sommerudstilling 2015
2014: Bedste stillebenmaleri efter opstilling, The Florence Academy of Art
2013: Bedste kultegning efter gipsskulptur, The Florence Academy of Art
Censored Exhibitions
2020: ‘CMA2020’, Copenhagen Miniature Art 2020, Galleri Nybro, København
2019: ‘Royal Society of Portrait Painters Annual Exhibition’, Mall Galleries, London
2017: ‘Portrait Now!’, Frederiksborg Slot, Hillerød & Ljungbergmuséet, Ljungby, SE
2016: Forårsudstillling på Artoteket, København
2015: KS15, Kunstnernes Sommerudstilling, Janusbygningen, Tistrup
2014: ‘Represent’, realistiske samtidskunstnere, 20th Century Theater, Notting Hill,
2011: Galleri 46’s 10 års Jubilæumsudstilling, Holsted
2010: Sydjysk Kunstforenings efterårsudstilling, Holsted
2010: Gruppeudstilling på Vestjyllands Kunstmusum, Tistrup
2009: Sydjysk Kunstforenings efterårsudstilling, Holsted
2008: Gruppeudstilling på Vestjyllands Kunstmusum, Tistrup
2005: ‘Konsthantverk’ på Röda Sten i Göteborg
2003: ‘Derfor’ kunsthåndværkerudstilling Paustian, København, kuraror L Campell
2000: ‘Sofa´s Salon, meubels van nu’, i Grote Kerk, Den Haag, Holland
Chosen Exhibitions
2023: Gæsteudstiller hos kunstnersammenslutningen Cirklen’s årlige udstilling i Helligåndshuset, København
2022: ‘Vinterudstilling’, Davis Gallery, København
2022: ‘Påskeudstilling’, Dronninglund Kunstcenter, Dronninglund
2021: ‘Evige øjeblikke’, Soloudstilling i Ringkøbing Rådhushsl, Ringkøbing
2021: ‘Letting us in’ Onlineudstilling med kvindelige kunstnere uddannet fra Thr Florence Academy of Art
2021: Shortcuts og vindere af Landbrugets Kulturfonds Konkurrence ‘Nutidslandskab’, Axelborg, København
2020: ‘Realistisk set’, Bredgade Kunsthandel, København
2020: Kunstforeningen 2750, Ballerup Rådhus, Ballerup
2019: ‘Portrætter’, Dronninglund Kunstcenter, Dronninglund
2019: ‘Realistisk set’, Bredgade Kunsthandel, København
2019: ’30 x 30′, gruppeudstilling københavnersalonen BKF,Galleri Pialeh, Frb.
2018: ‘Det Ligner’, Glocal Art, Dronninglund
2018: Soloudstilling i Kulturhuset Rejsestalden, Jægerspris
2018: Hundested Kunstforening – Soloudstilling i Fyrgården, Hundested
2018: Påskeudstilling på Dronninglund Slot, ved Galleri 5000, Dronninglund
2018: Vinterudstilling, Kunstbygningen Filosoffen, ved The Studio Gallery, Odense
2017: Galleri Weekend på Brandts 13, ved Galleri 5000, Odense
2017: ‘København 850 år’ BKF-medlemsudstilling på Københavns Rådhus
2017: ‘Ro’ Illums Bolighus, København
2017: Brøndsalen, Frederiksberg Have, ved Galleri 5000, Frederiksberg
2017: ‘Still Moments’, The Studio Gallery, Odense
2016: ‘Does size matters?’, The Studio Gallery, Odense
2016: Galleri Weekend på Brandts 13, ved Galleri 5000, Odense
2016: ‘Lad det blomstre’, The Studio Gallery, Odense
2015: Galleri Weekend på Brandts 13, ved Galleri 5000, Odense
2015 ‘Beautyful Moments’, The Studio Gallery, Odense
2014: Florence Academy of Art, Studio Luna gruppeudstilling, Firenze, Italien
2012: Florence Academy of Art udstilling på Kvarnbydagen, Mölndal, Sver